Hassocks Community Organisation was formed from the merger of Hassocks Amenity Association (HAA) and Hassocks Community Partnership(HCP).
HCO is a charitable company - Number 07128053 - and a Registered Charity - Number 1183097 - Registered on 24 April 2019.
We aim to continue the many and varied village activities promoted by both previous organisations.
We also actively encourage well-considered ideas for new projects and welcome those who want to lead them.
If you have a burning idea, we might be able to help ‘kick start’ your project.
We can provide advice and in some cases, finance, as well as general support.
We aim to serve the interests of the community and local area by helping to provide recreational and leisure time activities, conserving and improving the environment, enabling social events, and creating opportunities for the gaining of knowledge and skills and improving the quality of life.
The organisation is run by a board of trustees, which oversees a multitude of projects run by individual groups.
Through this merger we have brought together the many and varied activities the separate organisations undertook, including: the Village Market, the Star Cinema, the Rail Group, Hassocks Community Cycle Hire, involvement in Operation Watershed, Natural Flood Mitigation and the maintenance of the Herring Stream.